Friday, January 28, 2011

Et tu, Knee, et tu?

Damn but my knee hurts. It didn't hurt yesterday after my C5K but as today continues it is starting to hurt. Not "OH GOD WHY?!?!" can't walk hurt but more of a "well this is unpleasant" type. So I'm going to look up if I should ice or heat it. I think it is ice for joints and heat for muscles. So once I double check this and I get home that's what I'm going to do. I probably will take it easy for the next day or so. Sunday is my heavy lift day with AAA so we'll see how my knee is doing then. If it is still wanky then I will probably only do light lifting with it. Anyways thanks to AAA for being the first one to comment! WOOO! He also let me know that the weird upside down push up things are called body-weight rows. They are awesome if you have a chance I suggest trying them.

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